The ART of a “Traditional-Like”, “Semi-Professional”, “Part-Time”, “Commission-Based” Digital Caricature Hobbyist.

About Mick

I have always been a fan of caricatures and have always wanted the ability to quickly sketch out a funny incident or situation as it happened in real time. Although I still have that dream, I am not there yet. MAD & Cracked Magazines have always been a strong influence on me throughout my childhood, and with a collection of over 500 of them, I still find myself 'drawn' to them for inspiration and guidance. I was born in 1970, but I didn’t start drawing until early 2000. I have always been self-taught, but with the help of books and VHS tapes by artists such as Lou Darvas, Bruce Blitz and Christopher Hart, I began my journey. Fast forward to today where I am now retired and have since been taking several more caricature courses online such as.